On Sunday, April 10, we took part in the first Family Day ever !
A little party had been formed in order to welcome children ( and their parents). Many other partners were present (Le Coquelicot-Following Their Footsteps, the Souchez WW1 Memorial, The Bullecourt Museum, The Vimy Foundation …)
Under a dome near the Visitor Center, dozens of children participated in our coloring session of drawings evoking the capture of Vimy Ridge in 1917. After many other children and their parents had found the answers to the quiz drawn up by the various partners of this day, we offered them our souvenir badge !
Thank you Jean-Pierre Godbout for organizing this event, without forgetting Judith-Alexia Robin !
To renew next year !
Here are the photos of the children and their parents, webcast with their permission :
A few guides paid us a little visit , and our president took the opportunity to award them our souvenir badge !
Also on site was a historical reenactment group.
Translated by Jacques Paltani