There are things that are difficult to accept. Your sudden death, Michel, is one of those. It will certainly take us a very long time before we realize you’re gone.
We never could have guessed that we would never see you again, when at the end of our last meeting, you told us about your holiday plans in Brittany.
As secretary general of our association, you took charge of our board meetings, which was not an easy task.
You always performed this task with an extreme seriousness, and the meticulous care that you brought to. Their graphic transcription bears witness to this.
Always even-tempered, always « ready to serve ».
You have always been a dedicated secretary, not hesitating to go back and forth from Berck to attend a board meeting.
However, you had to avoid getting started on the Great War or on the feats of arms of the one who seemed to be your model, namely « Georges Guynemer », for then you were inexhaustible and hard to interrupt.
I sometimes (regretfully) had to cut you off in order to get back to the agenda.
Farewell, Michel, we will miss you !
To Claudette, whose eyes you wanted to be, to your beloved children and grandchildren, we offer our most sincere condolences.
Your Friends from the Canadian Vimy Monument.